May Roundup 2021?

Transfer Complete ?

May Roundup
May roundup.

Hi there. We are here once again with our monthly roundup, just to share a few things that went down in the month of May, 2021.

We are not Fidelity Bank. But we keep our word.?

We have officially rounded up the Broiler Farm Project that started on the 4th of December, 2020.
Those who participated have confirmed the receipt of their capital and returns. They got paid on the 2nd of June 2021, which is 2 days earlier than the scheduled payout date (4th of June 2021).

Kudos to all SmartCoop members. Those that participated in the project where super excited and showered us with so much accolades on Facebook and Instagram. ? See some of their testimonies;

Accolades ?
Accolades ?
Accolades ?

Also, a big thank you to our Poultry Impact Partner, Takvor Resources for front lining this project.

Our next farm project will open on the 7th of June, 2021. Please be on the look out.

You can sign up on to start saving towards it and also get exclusive updates before and when it opens.

Broiler Farm Project

At Smart Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society, we are dedicated to helping you manage your funds.

The team is working round the clock to improve your user experience on the SmartCoop platform. You will be seeing some new features real soon.

Thanks for staying with us.

?Love, from your buddies at SmartCoop.

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