??February Roundup 2021

February Roundup: 2021

At SmartCoop we have been doing a lot behind the scene to give our subscribers diverse income opportunities.

In this February roundup we want to share with you some of the things we have been up to lately.

February was the love ?month, when we all used that one day to express love to our partners. For those that are married or dating though. For the single folks, that day was like every other day. ?

Well, at SmartCoop every day of February was business as usual. Here are some of the activities that took place in the month;

  1. Assignment of new SmartCoop Wallet Account Numbers

Sometime in February we announced that Providus Bank will no longer be offering the SmartCoop Wallet Account Number Service any more. We have switched to Wema Bank and started assigning new account numbers to all SmartCoop users. Thanks to Paystack, our payment service provider for making this transition smooth. 

To get your wallet account number, log into your dashboard and click, “Request wallet account number”. An account number will be generated and linked to your SmartCoop account within a few hours. All functions remain the same. You can save by making a transfer into your SmartCoop wallet account. Please note that card payment option is still available.

2. Unveiling of our very first Rice Farming Project

Rice Farming Project

Since we launched SmartCoop in 2020 we have only enlisted Broiler Farm projects on our platform. In February 2021, we unveiled our first Rice Farming project. The project has commenced since on the 1st of March, 2021 and will run till 1st of September 2021. The farm is located in Nasarawa State.

At SmartCoop, we are constantly working to improve our services and also make diversified investment opportunities available to our subscribers. More announcements will be made this month.

Stay tuned and stay safe. ?

SmartCoop Team

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